Friday, July 6, 2012

Pencils Updates

The Pencils are reaching their destination: THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HAVE SENT PENCILS, ERASERS, SHARPENERS, and CRAYONS & BOOKS! We are preparing for Jamaica’s 50th year of independence celebration in August, and these will make excellent ‘back to school’ items.

Principal of Mt. Angus Primary and Junior High, St Mary Parish,  is happy to have pencils to share when students ask for them (a loan program). 

Challenge to UW-Madison and all the Bucky fans – Don’t let Jamaica down –Match the 300 pencils donated by UC Davis!      

Other pencils received are on their way with other Peace Corps Volunteers. Between the 35 in my group (Group 83), and approximate same number in Group 82, the pencils are finding their way to volunteers throughout the island.  We are working directly with the schools, and the primary goal is to have a loan program, where students who need a pencil can borrow one, and then return it when they are finished using it.

Mt Angus School is about a 10 minute walk from where I live – especially if I go over the hill and through the woods, rather than the road. It is also the local shelter should a hurricane decide to visit. I am told that several hurricanes have come through, and Mt. Angus School has survived.

I am working with the agriculture program at the school, and have not yet decided about working with the reading or computer program. I find the principal to be an amazing, caring individual, actively involved in the community, and very grateful to have the pencils for students who lose their pencils, or parents cannot replace them.

Clearing the school garden (corn); prepping area for planting a cover crop:

1 comment:

  1. Dear Alice,
    Thank you for all the awesome work that you and the other volunteers are doing. You are all amazing. It is an honor to help you with your blogs. Thank you for this opportunity.

    Much love.

    ~ Renee
